Historically Trans - Exploring Trans Identity's Place in Human Nature

Historically Trans - Exploring Trans Identity's Place in Human Nature

Gender identity is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human life that has been the subject of scrutiny for centuries. While some people may feel content with the gender they were assigned at birth, others may experience a sense of discomfort or even resentment towards it. This is not a new phenomenon, as gender queers have existed throughout history and across cultures.


Queering history

Transgender and gender queer people have been documented in various regions around the world, including Europe, Africa, Native America, Hawaii, India, the Philippines, and many other places throughout time and even today. These individuals have challenged societal norms and expectations of gender, often at great personal cost.

Transgender people have existed throughout history, though they have often been marginalized and erased from historical records. Nevertheless, there are a few examples of successful transgender people from history pre 1900 that have been documented. Here are two such examples:


Chevalier d'Eon (1728-1810)

Chevalier d'Eon was a French diplomat and soldier who was assigned male at birth but lived part of their life as a woman. They were appointed as a diplomat to Russia in 1756 and later served as a spy for the French government. In 1777, d'Eon returned to France and began living full-time as a woman. They were granted permission by King Louis XVI to dress as a woman, and even received a pension from the French government. d'Eon died in 1810 and was buried in a mixture of male and female clothing, reflecting their unique gender identity.


James Barry (c. 1789-1865)

James Barry was a British military surgeon who was assigned female at birth but lived their entire life as a man. Barry studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh and later served as a surgeon in the British Army, rising to the rank of Inspector General. During their career, Barry performed one of the first successful Caesarean sections in which both the mother and baby survived. After their death in 1865, it was only then revealed that Barry was assigned female at birth, which caused controversy at the time.


Why bend gender

For many, gender neutrality or transgenderism can offer a psychological escape from the inherent social and biological pressures of either gender. In a society where gender norms are often strictly enforced, the desire to break free from these constraints can be overwhelming, life consuming unless satified. Thought his is often explained as some people being born into the wrong bodies, I like to say that they were born perfectly and lived perfectly aka on their own terms.

Gender neutrality, for example, provides an opportunity to reject the traditional binary understanding of gender and allows individuals to express themselves beyond the confines of what is considered "male" or "female." It is a recognition that gender is not a fixed construct and can vary widely between individuals. This approach can provide a sense of freedom, allowing people to express themselves in ways that feel authentic to them, rather than being confined by the expectations of others.

Transgenderism, on the other hand, offers a more radical escape from gender norms. For those who identify as transgender, the gender they were assigned at birth does not align with their internal sense of self. This mismatch can cause significant distress and lead to feelings of isolation and marginalization. However, by transitioning to their true gender, transgender individuals can finally live as their authentic selves and find a sense of belonging in a community that understands and accepts them.

Both gender neutrality and transgenderism offer unique and valid ways of navigating gender identity. They allow individuals to express themselves in ways that feel true to their inner selves, rather than being limited by the expectations of others. For those who feel a sense of discomfort or even resentment towards the gender they were assigned at birth, these approaches can be life-changing.

It is important to note that the journey towards gender neutrality or transgenderism is not always easy. Many individuals face significant challenges and discrimination as they navigate their gender identity. However, the mere existence of gender queers throughout history and across cultures is a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit. These individuals have dared to challenge societal norms and expectations, paving the way for others to do the same.



Gender queers have always existed, challenging and subverting traditional gender norms in unique and varied ways. While some individuals may resent the gender they were assigned at birth, there are ways to navigate gender identity beyond the confines of the traditional binary understanding of gender. Gender neutrality and transgenderism offer psychological escapes from the inherent social and biological pressures of either gender, allowing individuals to express themselves in ways that feel authentic and true to their inner selves. It is time for society to acknowledge and embrace the diversity of gender identity and provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to explore and express their gender in whatever way feels right for them.

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