Bisexuality and Monogamy: Debunking the Myths

Bisexuality and Monogamy: Debunking the Myths

Unlike many of my articles during Pride Month, this is not an extended deep dive. The topic is straightforward—or bi-forward, as the case may be. Bisexuals are not more promiscuous, dishonest, or untrustworthy than heterosexual or homosexual people. They simply have more options than the rest of us. Let's explore why people think bisexual people can't maintain monogamy and why they're wrong.

Why Bi People Get a Bad Rep

First off, let's address the misconceptions. Bisexuality often gets a bad reputation due to misunderstanding and stereotypes. But here's the truth:


Situational Bisexuality Isn't a Trick

Choosing a partner of any specific gender doesn't invalidate one's bisexuality. It's not a phase or a ploy—it's a genuine orientation.


Bisexuality and Polyamory Are Not Linked

Just because someone is bisexual doesn't mean they are inherently more inclined towards polyamory. Bisexuality is about attraction to more than one gender, not about the number of partners one desires.


Most "Monogamous" Relationships Include Sex Outside the Marriage

It's important to note that infidelity isn't exclusive to bisexual people. Many so-called monogamous relationships experience instances of infidelity, regardless of sexual orientation.


The Couple Who "Like Your Vibe"

Ever met a couple that seemed super into you? There's a good chance one of them might be bisexual. It doesn't mean they're looking to cheat; they're just open-minded and appreciate good company.


Monogamy Is Hard for Everyone

Maintaining a monogamous relationship can be challenging for anyone, irrespective of their sexual orientation. It's not a matter of being bisexual; it's a matter of being human.

Wrap up

The idea that bisexual people can't maintain monogamous relationships is a myth. Bisexuality doesn't come with an inherent inability to commit. It's time we move past these stereotypes and recognize that fidelity is a personal choice, not dictated by one's sexuality.

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