Historical Sodomy: Anal sex through the ages

Historical Sodomy: Anal sex through the ages

Anal sex, also known as sodomy, has a long and gaping history that’s ready to be explored. It has been practiced by various cultures throughout history, often with varying degrees of acceptance and taboo. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, understanding the history of buttsex can provide insight into our collective sexual past and how we've come to understand and view sex today. So, let's take a deep dive into the fascinating history of backdoor shenanigans!



One of the earliest records of anal sex comes from ancient Mesopotamia, where it was depicted in erotic art from as early as 2400 BC. Anal is art. The Greeks and Romans also had a long history of practicing anal sex, with the Romans particularly fond of it. In fact, the word "sodomy" comes from the Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where the people of Sodom were said to have practiced same-sex relations and anal sex, leading to their destruction. Anal sex is that powerful.


Medieval Europe

In medieval Europe, anal sex was viewed as a sin and a crime, which made it so much hotter. The Catholic Church condemned it, and those caught engaging in sodomy could face severe punishment, including death. Kinky shit. Despite this, anal sex continued to be practiced in secret, particularly among men. In fact, it was such a widespread practice that by the 16th century, a slang term for anal sex had even emerged: bungery or buggery.


18th & 19th Century

During the 18th and 19th centuries, attitudes towards anal sex began to shift. In the Western world, it was still largely viewed as a taboo, but in other parts of the world, particularly in Asia, it was viewed as a perfectly normal and even desirable form of sexual expression. In Japan, for example, anal sex was considered a way for men to preserve their wives' virginity, as it was believed that a woman who engaged in vaginal sex was no longer a virgin. God’s not watching the backdoor apparently.


Anal in the 20th Century

The 20th century saw a gradual relaxation of attitudes towards anal sex in the West. With the sexual revolution of the 1960s, people began to openly experiment with different forms of sexual expression, including anal sex. The gay rights movement also played a significant role in increasing acceptance of anal sex, particularly among gay men, who had long practiced it as a form of sexual expression. Cause we’re fucking pioneers, literally.

Despite this, anal sex continued to be viewed as a taboo by many, particularly in conservative and religious circles. In the 1980s, the AIDS epidemic further fueled concerns about anal sex, as it is a particularly high-risk form of sexual activity. However, with increased education about safe sex practices and the development of effective HIV treatments, attitudes towards anal sex began to shift once again.


Today, anal sex is increasingly viewed as a legitimate and even enjoyable form of sexual expression. It has become a common practice among both heterosexual and homosexual couples, and there are now a plethora of resources available on how to engage in anal sex safely and comfortably. From sex education websites to instructional videos and sex toy stores, the taboo around anal sex has been largely lifted, and it is now viewed as just another aspect of human sexuality.

That being said, anal sex still carries a certain amount of stigma and taboo, particularly in certain cultures and communities. There are still those who view it as unnatural or immoral, and it remains a topic that many people are uncomfortable discussing openly. However, as with any taboo, it is important to remember that everyone has their own unique sexual preferences and desires, and what is right for one person may not be right for another. Basically, if you want to take it in the ass, do it. If not, don’t.

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