Looking forward
For us at The Butters, 2021 was far less of a dumpster fire than 2020. Sure, sure, I started the year with a 5-figure financial loss and my windshield cracking. But, after that, yeah, it did actually get worse. But after that, it was also kinda crappy. But, at a certain point, things just kinda stopped sucking. Somewhere around June things shifted from my Reputation era to my Taylor’s Version era.
The rest of 2021 has been stellar. We celebrated our 5-year anniversary. We’ve added Amirul, Kayla, Tayla, & Juanita to the team handling social, orders, cleaning, and admin respectively. The rest of the team adjusted well and stepped up to the challenges I set up for them. I was able to effectively get us through it all, started working out; had my first surgery under emergency circumstance, lived, and it went perfectly; plus, I pulled like 10 holographic Charizard cards, even the shiny VMAX one from Shining Fates!
That gives me optimism for 2022 I sincerely didn’t think would exist back in the spring. I know that’s wild coming from me Mr. Butters, Mr. optimism. But I’m actually Mr. honesty, Mr. perspective, Mr. thoughtful. And I’m thinking about the future with cautious optimism.
So, with the slightest case of shell shock, let’s talk about the future. Let’s talk about our goals for 2022.
First, practical goals:
1. Revenue growth 285k to 400k w 50k in CBD sales alone.
2. 15k orders
3. 20 more retailers
4. Raise base pay to $20
5. Add 1 more production assistant focused on making sure everything looks perfect, labels, seals, etc. In 2021 we’ve added many people to our team of 4. And yet we still need one more person with an eye on the fit and finish of products. We’re a luxury brand and that requires a special touch on every step.
Then there’s more mushy goals.
6. Survive without Zanita
My number 2 and The Butters number 1 employee is moving on. While I’m always happy to see folks outgrow us, it’s gonna be a transition. We’ve been making preparations for 7 months so it’ll be smooth but it’s still gonna be tough. Zanita plays a pivotal role and it’s taking 3 people to replace her. So, we shall see how things go lol.
7. Enjoy stability calmly
We’ve been a stable company for about 6 months, which has felt so nice. 2020 forced us to grow faster than I planned. That growth led to an adjustment and the chaos in the beginning of this year. But we’re out of that. And allowing myself to sit in that stability without trying to disturb it for growth is a goal I already know I’m not going to maintain. But I’m writing it down anyway, so I have a record.
8. Define ourselves more clearly
Back in 2019, I took the time to decide on our mission, vision, values, and beliefs as company. Without those, we wouldn’t have survived this year. Still, it’s time to update that a bit and keep us aligned with the plan. This will show up in a number of ways. But you’ll notice a greater polish on everything Butters; new ideas; and just a fresher energy coming from us as a whole!
2022, is going to be a more stable year. In numerology ’22 is a universal 6 year. 6 relates to Love, charm, health, oneness, empathy, destiny, and kismet. The instability of this 5 year is gonna allow us to reach these things we search for in the 6 year. So, I wish for you all to receive in abundance everything that which you’ve sown this year. You deserve it.